The World as I See It

Friday, March 31, 2006

A Really Big Cemetary

This is the grave of Oscar Wilde, the poet. It's in a really big cemetary in Paris which I forget the name of ... Pere Lachaise maybe? yeah I think that's it. Anyway it a hugely massive cemetary and it has a few holocaust memorials in it as well as a few other famous people's graves that we saw. So I have quite a few pics of this cemetary and I'll probably end up posting at least a few more .... wow that last part sounds morbid but it really was quite interesting.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sacre Coeur

This is a picture of Sacre Coeur (yeah I'm not 100% sure of the spelling). Anyway it was the first place thy took us on my recent Fritaly (France and Italy) trip that I took with the school. It's a very imposing building set on top of a hill ... there are a lot of stairs to get up there but the veiw of Paris that you get is awesome. It really give you a feel for how big the city is ... though I have to say that out of the all the cities we went to on the trip Paris was my least favourite, it was too big and too busy for my liking ... but even so i really liked it there.